Picture of product ME406
Model: ME406
Desc: Buzzer for ME406 Series
OEM: ACR/Artex
Sched-B: 8529906100
Cage Code: 18560
Part Number :


ME406 Buzzer
  • Designed for use with ME406 ELT
  • Provides an audible alert if the ELT is activated during a rough flight or landing



Part Number: Description:
453-6603   ME406, Transmitter Only (Main Assembly)
453-6604 ME406HM , Transmitter Only - Helicopter ELT (Main Assembly)
453-6611  ME406P ,Transmitter Only - Portable ELT (Main Assembly) 
453-6650  ME406P , Transmitter Only - Military, Black ELT (Main Assembly) 
455-6603* ME406 , ELT Base Pack List - contains transmitter & mounting hardware 
455-6604* ME406HM, Helicopter ELT Base Pack List - contains transmitter & mounting hardware
455-6605* ME406 , Complete ELT System with Whip Antenna (110-773)
455-6606* ME406HM, Complete Helicopter ELT System with Rod Antenna (110-338)
455-6607* ME406 , Complete ELT System with Rod Antenna (110-338)
455-6608* ME406ACE, ACE (ACK Remote Switch Retrofit) ELT Base Pack List - Cirrus Specific - contains transmitter, mounting hardware & 1.25' coax cable specific to Cirrus
455-6613* Complete Portable ELT System with Rod Antenna (110-338)
455-6614* ME406P, ACE (ACK Remote Switch Retrofit) ELT Base Pack List - contains transmitter & mounting hardware
455-6615* ME406P, Portable ELT Base Pack List - contains transmitter, auxiliary wrap around antenna, lanyard & mounting hardware
455-6650* ME406, Black ELT Base Pack List - contains transmitter & mounting hardware

* Please Note that the Attached "Pack Lists" are for REFERENCE ONLY & are subject to change.


Click on a question below to see the answer. If you have a question about this model that is not answered below, please contact questions@seaerospace.com

In relation to NE (New) parts, many OEMs change their prices and availability without any notice to dealers or the industry. Therefore, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication, we ask that customers contact us for the most accurate price and availability.

In relation to SV & OH parts, the used parts aftermarket in the aviation industry is not an infinite supply. It is a dynamic, constantly changing market that is significantly affected by and susceptible to highs and lows in supply and demand. Therefore, although we attempt to, at times, we are unable to predict the exact moment when an item may be available. Once again, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication on our website, we ask that customers contact us for the most current and accurate price and availability.

The ME406ACE or Absolute Cost Efficiency model is the same as the ME406 ELT with the difference being the additional connector adapter provided with the ACE. The ACE model was created by Artex (ACR) to directly replace ELTs manufacturerd by ACK which used a telephone type cable. If you remove the telephone connector adapter from the ACE, it has the same D-sub type connector as the normal ME406.

Virtually all 406 MHz beacons incorporate a self-test mode of operation. Standard Self-Tests of beacons usually involve pressing a button or lifting a lever on the beacon and holding it for a few seconds. This usually results in the beacon flashing an LED or Strobe and/or creating an audible sound that indicates that the internal circuitry of the beacon is functioning correctly. You should always carefully follow the beacon manufacturer's instructions when carrying out a self-test as it is possible to get false results or inadvertently trigger a false alarm if perform the self-test incorrectly. If the beacon fails, then you should contact the beacon manufacturer or an appointed service agents for further advice and instructions.

Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) are distress radio beacons which transmit location information about aircraft directly to Search and Rescue (SAR) forces letting them know that the owner is in grave and imminent danger.

A UIN is a Unique Identifier Number that is programmed into each beacon at the factory. The UIN number consists of 15 digit series of letters and numbers that make up the unique identity of the beacon. The UIN is on a white label on the exterior of the beacon. The UIN is also referred to as the Hex ID.

You should check the local regulations of any place you plan to visit with your beacon. Some countries require you to have a radio license and some countries even have restrictions on the use of beacons. However, if it's a true emergency, then you should always activate your beacon.

SARSAT is an acronym for "Search And Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking". The SARSAT system was developed as a joint effort by the USA, Canada, and France.

Yes, the C406-2 & C406-2HM ELTs are a direct replacement for the 110-406 Series. According to the Discontinuance letter released from Cobham, the 110-406 series product line was discontinued on 12/31/01. Artex planned to continue providing battery packs and repairs until 2008. You can view the letter here.

According to Artex (now Cobham) the C406-2/2HM ELTs are a direct replacement in form, fit & function. Additionally, the ME-406 series is suitable for General Aviation and Light Helicopter applications. These ELTs are certified to the requirements of FAA TSO C126 and ETSO-2C126.

View the C406-2, C406-2HM, and ME-406 Series product pages for more detailed information.

Even though the battery pack expires 5 years from the date the ELT is shipped from Artex, there are other factors that take priority. The Artex manual states that the battery pack must be replaced with a new battery pack in the following situations:
  • After use in an emergency
  • After an inadvertent activation of unknown duration
  • When the total of all known transmission exceed 1 hour
  • On or before the battery replacement data as indicated on the battery label

If any of these conditions are met, the battery must be replaced.

Artex batteries contain a microchip that records total activation time and number of activation times. The ELT tester will show this information when the unit is tested.

If a problem is detected in the ELT, the LED will produce a coded signal. The LED will flash in order of importance with approximately .5 to 1 second pulse between each coded signal if multiple errors are present. The coded signal and related problems are as follows:

  • 1 flash indicates that the system is operational and no error conditions were found
  • 3 flashes indicate a bad load detection. That is, an open or shorted condition on the antenna output or cable has been detected. This could be caused by faulty or intermittent RF connection or a problem with the antenna installation
  • 4 flashes indicate that low power has been detected. That is, output power is below 33 dBm (2 watts) for the 406 MHz signal or 17 dBm (50 mW) for the 121.5 MHz output.
  • 5 flashes indicates that the ELT has not been programmed.
  • 6 flashes indicate that the G-switch loop between pins 5 and 12 have not been installed. If this error is present, then the ELT will not activate during a crash.
  • 7 flashes indicate a battery problem. The ELT battery has too much accumulated time (> 1 hour). The battery may still power the ELT however it must be replaced to meet FAA specifications.

Southeast Aerospace has full bench test and programming capabilities for all Artex (Cobham) ELTs. Please contact the SEA Service Dept for any ELT service questions.

Click here to view the guidelines.
Click here to view the ELT reference guide.
Turbojet-powered aircraft, part 91, US operations:

Starting January 1, 2004 an approved ELT must be installed. An ELT meeting TSO-C91 installed prior to June 21, 1995 is acceptable. An ELT installed after June 21, 1995 must meet TSO-C91a or TSO-C126.

No person may take off an airplane for flight over water more than 30 minutes flying time or 100 nautical miles from the nearest shore, whichever is less, unless it has on board the following survival equipment:
  1. A life preserver, equipped with an approved survivor locator light, for each occupant of the airplane.
  2. Enough liferafts (each equipped with an approved survival locator light) of a rated capacity and buoyancy to accommodate the occupants of the airplane.
  3. At least one pyrotechnic signaling device for each liferaft.
  4. One self-buoyant, water-resistant, portable emergency radio signaling device that is capable of transmission on the appropriate emergency frequency or frequencies and not dependent upon the airplane power supply (FAR Part 91.509 [b]).
  5. A lifeline stored in accordance with Sec. 25.1411(g) of this chapter.
Satellite alerting of the 121.5 Mhz distress signal will be discontinued after February 1, 2009.
COSPAS is an acronym for the Russian words "Cosmicheskaya Sistema Poiska Avariynyh Sudov" . These Russian words translate to "Space System for the Search of Vessels in Distress".
The 366 at the end of any Artex 406MHz ELT simply indicates that the unit is programmed for the USA serialized long message format. All Artex 406 ELTs (C406 and G406 series) except for the ME406 are shipped from Artex with the 366 programming unless you specify otherwise. For international applications, once the ELT is reprogrammed, the unit dataplate and box label is updated with the new programming information. An updated FAA Form 8130 is issued at this time as well.

Therefore, if you are searching for an Artex 406 ELT ending in the -366 such as 455-5015-[366], then you can use the base number (ex. 455-5015) in most cases.

Both Artex ME406 and Kannad 406AF-Compact include mounting rack provisions for upgrading from the Narco ELT10. Kannad offers a 2-wire switch option (RC-102) as an easy upgrade from the Narco ELT10.
As of April 2012, Artex has not released a similar switch. Please Note, the existing 121 MHz ELT must be replaced by a 406 MHz model.

For complete details including pricing, contact an SEA sales associate today.

Programmed aircraft information is essential for search & rescue, should the ELT be activated. When activated, the ELT will transmit your identifier.

An Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) should be programmed with either the aircraft tail #, a serial #, or the aircraft operator designator. The aircraft information programmed is determined by your country's requirements. The information is sent to the government agency responsible for keeping the database of the country in which your aircraft is registered.

The ID is linked to your SAR database, containing valuable aircraft information: Type of Aircraft, Address of Owner, Telephone # of Owner, Aircraft Registration #, and Alternate Emergency Contact, etc.

Keeping this information up to date & accurate is a major concern of the Search & Rescue Centers. Without accurate information, valuable time may be lost in attempting to locate the owner of the aircraft.

Your ELT can easily be programmed by a certified repair station, such as Southeast Aerospace.

Contact Southeast Aerospace today for more information on ELT programming.
An STC is not required for most ELT installations. Usually, only a logbook entry is needed. However, you should contact your local FSDO or local aviation authority for exact clarification.
After February 1st, 2009, Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) operating on the 121.5 and 243 MHz will not be monitored by the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system. There are many false distress signals and searches initiated each year with ELTs. The newer 406 MHz ELTs transmit unique aircraft information allowing authorities to contact an aircraft owner before a search is initiated. Therefore, 406 MHz significantly decrease the amount of unnecessary searches.

While 121.5 MHz is the international distress signal, it has limitations in relation to the search and rescue efforts that would follow the activation of this frequency by an ELT. Accuracy to a crash site of an aircraft with a 121 MHz ELT can be up to 20 miles. With the enhanced performance of the 406 MHz ELT and programmed aircraft information, accuracy is improved to 2 miles.

After February 2009, the 121/243 distress signals will only be detected by ground based receivers such as air traffic control, local airports, or other aircraft. Therefore, the search and rescue efforts related to an aircraft with an older ELT could be limited and will take longer, especially in a remote location.

Some aircraft owners do not respond positively towards FAA mandates. The February 1st 2009 ELT date is not a deadline to comply with any sort of ELT mandate. As mentioned, this date only applies the discontinuance of 121/243 ELT monitoring by the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system. Therefore, aircraft owners must decide what value to place on their safety and survival should they be put in an emergency situation where the ELT would be activated.
The Artex ME406 is the ideal ELT to replace an existing ELT110-4 or ELT-100HM. Although it is a different size, the ME406's mounting tray has the same mounting tray hole pattern as the ELT110-4 and ELT-100HM. This statement is also true for other non-406 MHz ELTs such as the Narco ELT-10 and ELT-910, Artex ELT-200 and Pointer 3000 ELT.

The ME406 can use the existing 100 series remote switch. The connector would need to be changed but the wiring is the same. The rod and blade antennas between the 100 series and 406 systems have the same mounting footprint.
No, the ME406 series ELTs cannot be used with a programming dongle. Dongles can only be used with the Artex C406 and G406 series ELT systems.
It depends on the make and model of the ELT. However, most 406 ELTs have a battery life of either 4 or 5 years. Most batteries can transmit for as long as 24 hours.
An Artex ELT with a part number ending in -999 simply indicates that the unit is not programmed and is intended to be programmed via dongle (DGL-1) or wired into the ELT NAV interface (455-6500). Mostly only fleet operators and airlines request this programming ability to avoid reprogramming an ELT during routine maintenance should the ELT be replaced.

Most Artex ELT systems are received by distributors programmed with the ELT serial number for use in the USA. Thus the P/N ends in -366. If the ELT is programmed for another country, then the appropriate labels are placed on the ELT. However, the original dataplate part number remains the same. Dealer/distributors who are authorized to program Artex ELTs are not permitted to change the part number of the ELT.

Therefore, if someone requires an Artex ELT to actually have the -999 part number then this must be requested before the distributor places the order with the factory. Otherwise, programmed ELTs can be programmed with a default hex address and ID to be equivalent to the -999 status. When this is done by an authorized programming facility, the dataplate remains the same but the separate label with country and three digit code becomes blank and the hex ID label indicates the default hex ID.
PLEASE NOTE - Publications are for Reference Only